
Jason Ryan的课


第一年写作课程致力于向学生介绍修辞学, 实践, 以及对在学院写作的期望. 这样做的时候, it strives to help students understand the recursive process of writing; to invest in writing as a tool for discovery and understanding as well as conveyance; and to appreciate the ways in which different genres and situations require different ways of writing. 在这一切中, FYW计划优先考虑参加课程的学生的需求和经验, 并致力于为这些学生提供最好的课程和指导.​


The FYW Program at esball官方网 invites students to participate in Directed Self-Placement, 或DSP, 在注册FYW课程时.  DSP is a writing 的地方ment process that asks students to consider carefully their own writing abilities, 它们与阅读和写作的关系, 他们对RIC写作的期望, and their confidence in their ability to meet the demands of college- and career-level writing.  The FYW Program provides students with information and asks individuals to make a thoughtful, 选择哪门FYW课程最能满足他们的需求.  这个选择,以及对这个选择的责任,都在于学生.

RIC的DSP由几个步骤组成, 第一个要求学生参加一个简短的调查.  After students complete the survey, they may enroll in the FYW course that best meets their needs. 

访问 在线调查.  

 esball官方网, FYW courses in 通识教育 (FYW 100; FYW 100Plus; FYW 100Honors) meet four 通识教育成果 (Written Communication; Critical and Creative Thinking; 研究 and Information Literacy; and Collaborative Work). We also draw heavily on the Writing Program Administrators (WPA) Outcomes Statement for First-Year Composition (v3.0) and refer readers to that Statement for a more thorough discussion of some of the items below. 为了使WPA成果声明本地化,我们提供了本指南.

We remind readers that FYW courses are introductory; none of the outcomes listed below will be “complete” upon conclusion of the course. The FYW Program expects that students will have opportunities to build on these “habits of mind” at other points in their academic and professional careers. 在RIC,学生可以期望通过以下方式建立这些成果:

  • 解决书面沟通结果的通识教育课程
  • 各专业学科(WID)课程的写作
  • 体验式学习和/或顶点课程

在下面的部分中,我们将阐明两个主要的结果. 第一个, 修辞形势, enables understanding as to how elements of the 修辞形势 (see below) help shape our composing choices. 第二个, 过程意识, suggests that students should engage in writing as a process—that writers enact different writing strategies and habits at different (and sometimes recursive) moments of composing. 在一起, these outcomes help students understand and discover the best available tools and resources so as to create the most effective texts possible. 研究 shows that these two outcomes are among several that help students transfer that which they learned in FYW to other writing courses and tasks.



作家和设计师根据修辞情境进行创作. 最有效和最有说服力的文章会做出回应, 尽可能多, 修辞情境的不同元素. 这些包括但不限于:

  • 作者
  • 观众
  • 目的
  • 紧急esball官方网
  • 类型
  • 约束/上下文
  • 媒体


  • 介绍写作作为修辞和情境的概念
  • 了解修辞情境的不同元素
  • have the opportunity to see how a writer’s ability to analyze and 回复 修辞形势s helps determine the effectiveness of a text
  • 理解修辞情境的变化(i.e.(新的受众或不同的目的)可能会影响所产生的文本
  • 考虑修辞模式如何协同工作以创造有说服力的文本(多模式)
  • 考虑技术和多样化媒体的影响, 回复, 和/或创造修辞情境(多媒体)
  • 有机会撰写多模式和多媒体文本
  • 是否有机会根据修辞情况进行写作. 那就是:尽可能多, student-authored texts in FYW should 回复 and help create real 修辞形势s

Effective writing nearly always relies on a process that is somewhat dependent on the writer and 修辞形势 (a timed essay exam, 例如, might allow for fewer significant 修订s; a white paper might require a great deal of 研究).

FYW 100/100P/100H成功完成后, students should be familiar with the following concepts and should have had opportunities to employ each of them during the semester. While elements of the writing process are listed here in a manner that may convey chronology or linearity, each concept may be employed at different points in a writing task; repeatedly; or not at all. 每个概念都可以循环到另一个:研究可以是一种发明策略, 而编辑可能会导致修改. 最后, a student’s ability to reflect on their writing process and rhetorical choices throughout that process, 然后写, 研究, 修改, 或者根据这样的思考进行编辑, 是至关重要的. 回应这样的思考是一个作家创作过程中不可或缺的一部分.


定义: This category is often called the 预写 stage of writing and often involves heuristics such as brainstorming, 自由写作, 预写, 映射, 概述, etc. But the label of “预写” suggests that invention is the first task of writing; in reality, 出于一些原因,学生可能会被要求进行发明和改造.

FYW: 在FYW课程中,学生应提供:

  • 探索概念的时间和空间
  • 尝试新想法的机会
  • 以他人的工作和想法为基础的机会
  • 有机会发现基于数据和研究的探究领域
  • 有机会借鉴先前的知识和文化经验


定义: The “Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education” is a comprehensive document that works to define 研究. 为了FYW的目的, 我们强调课程的入门性质和研究的迭代性质. 研究是一种途径, 评价, 以及使用作者/作者个人知识之外的信息. 研究可以为学生写作过程的各个阶段提供信息.

FYW: 在FYW课程中,学生应该就以下问题进行讨论和实践:

  • 是什么构成了每个学生项目的可靠来源
  • 人们如何评估信息来源的可信度、实用性和准确性
  • 学生如何搜索(和研究)可信的信息
  • how students might work credibly with the ideas of others in the student’s own text (summary, 释义, 报价, 插入, etc.)
  • 如何进行学科研究, 为了不同目的, 观众, 和流派, 可能会影响一个人的行为, 定位, 利用研究
  • 为什么归因和引用很重要, with an understanding that different 修辞形势s call for different types and kinds of attribution and citation


定义: 起草是写作或创造文本版本的行为. 草稿可以是探索性的, 未完成的, 无光泽的, and unedited; they often are part of the invention process. Revision is the act of reviewing/re-envisioning a draft in order to make changes to the draft, ideally in light of 观众 feedback; writers 修改 in order to better 回复 a 修辞形势 in both content and style. 一般来说,修订的目标是产生更有效的文本.

FYW: 在FYW课程中,应鼓励学生:

  • 在给定的学期/学期内尽可能多地为一篇课文起草不同版本的草稿
  • 认真认真地修改每一份草稿
  • 看到早期的草稿常常是不完整和混乱的
  • 区分草稿和成稿的惯例
  • 区分修改和编辑
  • 征求听众的反馈意见, in a variety of ways: written and verbal comments; peer review sessions; individual and group conferences
  • 通过修改使用反馈来创建更有效的草稿
  • 从修订到提交草案


定义: Proofreading is the practice of rereading/reviewing/revisiting a text with an eye towards surface-level clarity; it may require a review of grammar, 力学, 使用, 设计, 和约定. 编辑是对文本进行表面修改的实践, 通常是对仔细校对的回应.

FYW: 在FYW课程中,应鼓励学生:

  • to see proofreading and editing as often one of the final steps in the writing process—that proofreading and editing should not interfere with invention, 起草, 修订, 或研究
  • 将正确性和标准化问题视为社会习俗
  • 在写作中区分全球性和地方性问题
  • 理解语法问题, 力学, 使用, 设计, 约定并不总是关于正确性, 而是关于目的, 观众, 和精神
  • 将技术视为作家在校对和编辑时使用的几种工具之一
