心理学B.A. 和小

来自Pixabay的Elisa Riva的人脑图像


B.A. in psychology at Rhode Island College broadly covers the field of psychology. 你将学习研究方法方面的课程, 个性, 社会心理学, 发展心理学和实验心理学. 因为心理学, 作为一门学科, has largely adopted a scientific approach to the study of behavior, three of your required courses in the major are fully devoted to research methods and statistics. 完成本课程后, you will be prepared for entry-level positions in a wide range of fields, 包括法律, 缓刑、假释, 心理援助, 社会工作, 业务, 市场营销, 公共关系及销售. 



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在这里,我们提供有关课程要求的信息, course descriptions and an 罗德州学术地图 for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.





完成本课程后, students will be able to:

  • 解释心理学的主要内容领域, 包括科学方法, 脑与认知科学, 人类发展, 社会/人格, 和健康/健康
  • 确定阅读所必需的基本研究方法, 理解, 批判, 并在心理学领域进行研究
  • select, analyze, and interpret basic statistical techniques in the behavioral sciences
  • communicate orally and in writing about research and applications in psychology


Why or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/profession?

Writing is an essential activity to the disciplines of psychology and chemical dependency and addiction studies. Scholars in these disciplines need to demonstrate an 理解ing of the relationship between psychological theory, research design and the appropriate interpretation of data. Writing is also an essential means of communicating psychological information to other scholars and the public. 

Which courses are designated as satisfying the (纪律写作) WID requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

There are two courses students in the psychology and chemical dependency/addiction studies programs must take to satisfy the WID requirement:

PSYC 221:研究方法1


Research Methods I and III were selected as they bookend a student’s research trajectory within the major. 研究方法1, students learn the foundation of research design and the basics of APA formatting style. 研究方法三, students build on the skills learned in Research Methods I and II and apply their research methods and analysis skills to larger projects. Research Methods III provides a capstone experience and is where students demonstrate skills learned across the major.

What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?

Students will engage in research writing consistent with psychological research, 这涉及到研究问题和假设, 数据与方法, 分析定量和/或定性数据, and making scientific conclusions based on theory and data. These genres are consistent with psychological science and will prepare students to participate in the discipline as both producers and consumers of research.

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

Students will engage in multiple writing assignments across each course, receiving instructor feedback and opportunities to apply the feedback along the way. Assignments in Research Methods I may include summarizing and critiquing journal articles, describing results of literature searches or learning how to write hypotheses. 研究方法三, 学生被要求制定学习计划, 使用APA格式分析数据并撰写报告. Instructors may utilize many teaching techniques including lecture, 讨论, 小组工作, 对写作和脚手架作业进行同行评审.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?

Students should know that writing is an iterative process – we get better at writing the more we do it; feedback and revision matter, 随着阅读量的增加,我们的写作水平也会提高. They should also know that participating in the discipline as producers, readers and teachers of psychology involves a familiarity with psychological writing, the ability to communicate psychology in written form and a familiarity with psychological research design.​​


Declaring a minor allows you to explore other areas of interest and make interdisciplinary connections. Minor areas at RIC complement and reinforce all major areas of study. 通过声明未成年人, 作为一名求职者,你可以使自己与众不同, 实习和志愿者机会.
