Biology B.S. and Minor

Female looking closely at item in science lab
A B.S. 生物学学位将为您提供连接和整合生命科学各个学科所需的广泛知识.

What to Expect

With a Biology B.S. you will:

  • 学习如何用科学的方法回答有关自然世界的问题
  • 能够有效地沟通科学研究的基本原理、方法和证据
  • be prepared for advanced study and careers in science 

Additional Options

生物学专业的学生也可以选择走上“快车道”,同时获得两个B.A. and an M.A. degree in biology in five years. 对于那些计划在中学阶段教生物的学生, RIC offers a path to teacher certification. (See Secondary Education B.A.)  

Program Details

Course Information

Here we provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and an Academic Rhode Map for each program, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Program/Learning Goals


  • competency in general and advanced topics in biology
  • proficiency in methods of inquiry-based research
  • 熟悉各种实验工具和技术
  • 综合和批判性分析科学信息的能力
  • 定量,批判性思维和沟通能力适用于生物学

Writing in the Discipline

In what ways is writing important to your profession?

有效的生物学写作对于促进科学界内外的清晰交流非常重要, and to enable forward progress of the discipline. Writing is important for all steps of the scientific process, such as experimental design, generating hypotheses, recording observations, describing results and drawing conclusions. Written communication in biology takes many forms, for example: field notes, correspondence, scientific posters, peer-reviewed articles, popular press articles, technical manuals, educational materials and grant applications.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? Why these courses?

生物系选择了动植物形态与功能(BIOL 213)和生物学高级研讨会(BIOL 460)作为B级指定的WID课程.S. in biology program.

BIOL 213是一门必修课程,带领学生从100级入门课程过渡到专注于特定内容领域的高级课程. 本课程的实验部分被设计为包含一个重要的写作元素,以便所有在课程中前进的学生都获得了在高级课程中撰写研究报告所必需的知识和技能.

BIO 460是生物学的顶点课程,是学生整合生物学知识并将其应用于当前研究文章解释的场所. 学生们通过口头和书面交流来展示他们在这方面的成功. 

你将在WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?

You will learn to write a research report in BIOL 213. 这种类型的科学文件的结构教你将发现的元素分解为四个基本部分:研究的基本原理, the methodology, the results and the analysis. 在这种类型的写作中,你有机会提高所有科学写作中必不可少的技能, namely to write cogently, precisely and succinctly.

In BIOL 460, you will focus your writing on a review paper. You will learn how to understand the scientific reasoning, methodology, 观察和结论的技术研究文章,并重新解释它为一般观众. 这种类型还要求你广泛阅读相关的背景科学文献,并将观点整合到一个有凝聚力和更新的叙述中.


BIOL 213对科研报告的撰写有明确的指导. In addition to drafting and finalizing the research report, weekly assignments will include readings from a writing textbook, work on editing and work on citations. 此外,BIOL 213使用教师和同行审查报告的组成部分.

BIOL 460强调使用原始文献作为原始材料进行写作. 你将在小组讨论中与你的同伴分享信息并扩展你的知识. 你将通过一系列的初稿和老师的反馈来完成一篇最终的复习论文, with clear expectations for improvement with each draft.


  • 写出能被科学家识别的科学文章.
  • 以书面形式向科学家以外的受众传达科学概念.
  • 写作要有说服力,准确,简洁,同时适当地引用别人的观点.​​​

Minor in Biology

选修辅修课程可以让你探索其他感兴趣的领域,并建立跨学科的联系. RIC的小领域是对所有主要研究领域的补充和加强. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart as a candidate for job, internship and volunteer opportunities. 

Information on the Biology Minor