


esball官方网的B.A. in youth development prepares professional youth workers for 护理ers working with ages 3-21 populations within after-school programs, 娱乐中心, 社区艺术中心, 青年住宅, 司法及感化院, 青年部和政府机构. 青年发展课程要求包括教育课程, social work and nonprofit studies; a student-chosen minor or self-designed concentration composed of five+ courses; and a 180-hour internship. In addition to coursework, students learn leadership and management skills, culminating in a B.A. 青年发展学士学位和本科学习证书(C.U.S.)在非营利研究中. 如果你愿意用青春来领导一个更美好的世界, 我们邀请你加入esball官方网的青年发展项目.

了解更多关于青年发展的信息.A. 程序






如果你对青少年发展计划感兴趣, 联系项目主管安排一次介绍会.

There are no minimum credit requirements and the Praxis test is not required to apply to this program.


  • esball官方网录取通知书.
  • An interview with an advisor about whether YDEV is a good fit for you and your 护理er goals.
  • A personalized Plan of Study created with your YDEV advisor that maps your unique path to graduation.
  • 完成关于您对YDEV的兴趣的简短调查.


在这里,我们提供有关课程要求的信息, 每个项目的课程描述和罗德州学术地图, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.





五个主播指导esball官方网的青年发展学士课程学习目标.  它们是:


Understand that art and play can be a starting point for exploring content and community through ideals such as democracy, 护理, 和包容.


经验, 实践, and critically engage the intentional and diverse 实践s of 护理 that shape youth and community.


Explore both self and others and develop skills to support young people in identity exploration.


Investigate and interpret programming through the lenses of power and difference in order to better understand how to build positive communities with youth.


经验 and 实践 the intentional elements that allow adults to lead with youth to make a better world.



对于青年工作者来说,写作提供了一种以可见的方式传达思想和信仰的方式. In personal forms of writing like journals and notes, writing is a way to “think aloud on paper.“有想法, 描述, 把观察和故事写下来可以使作家与想法保持距离, 离开,回到:离开并回到一个想法, 修改:修改一个想法或故事. 在更公开和专业的写作形式,如信件, 博客, 活动计划及论文, 写作是一种交流思想的方式, 给别人讲概念和故事.

Which courses are designated as satisfying the 纪律写作 (WID) requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

The following courses: YDEV 300: Introduction to 青年发展 and YDEV 352: Seminar in 青年发展 were selected because they represent the beginning and the more mature application of writing 实践s.

YDEV 300, students construct and learn the foundations of reflective writing 实践 and activity planning. 在YDEV 352中,学生们将他们的学习应用到一个真实的、更大的写作任务中. 他们还继续制定活动计划.

YDEV students also take a Social Work course that has been designated as WID by the School Of Social Work: SWRK 326: Generalist Social Work Practice.

在本课程中, 学生们学习如何进行社会评估并撰写相应的文章. 另外, students learn how to take professional notes for client files and work on other forms of professional writing such as referrals and client summaries.

你将在WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? 为什么会有这些类型?

反思写作, 包括讲故事和叙事探究, is an essential 实践 of youth work because it resists the disembodied discourse of “outcomes-based” education. 讲故事的过程是一个人性化的过程, reflective 实践 that provides opportunities to understand and enhance youth work and administrative 实践. 讲故事支持个人身份认同工作,这是YDEV项目的主要内容之一. Storytelling and counter-storytelling are also forms of academic research in youth development. 形式可能包括日记、博客、信件、分析文章、笔记和标题. Activity plans provide a structured way to organize purposeful interactive sessions with young people.


Youth development courses are designed with a spiral curriculum approach (see Jerome Bruner). A spiral curriculum has three key elements: Students encounter the same content across several courses; the study of the content becomes deeper and more nuanced over time; and students continually make connections between their knowledge and course content. A spiral curriculum provides students opportunities to develop complex thinking and expertise over time. The curriculum promotes inclusivity because it invites students to contribute their own knowledge and perspectives as they together learn topics and 实践s. 反思写作, 包括讲故事, 活动策划是青年发展项目中螺旋式上升的做法.

Practices that students will encounter in YDEV courses include low stakes writing assignments, 同伴和导师的反馈, 修正, 写规则和脚手架作业和模板. Students will also read scholarly models of reflective writing about youth work 实践 (e.g. 比安卡·鲍德里奇、肖恩·金赖特、马克·克鲁格和贝蒂娜·勒夫).


通过反思性写作,学生认识自己. 到节目结束的时候, students are able to situate their own beliefs about youth work in the context of both established theories and 实践 in the field. They have also developed skills in writing activity plans that have intentional purpose and values and that can be easily shared with colleagues. They know who they are as youth workers, and they can articulate their values and theories of change.


