数学B.A. 和小



在RIC的B中.A. 在数学课程中, you will undertake a journey through one of the world’s oldest 和 richest academic disciplines while developing skills that will prepare you for a wide variety of careers. You will learn that there is more to mathematics than solving equations – in fact, 这些技能只占学科的一小部分. Mathematicians must also think logically 和 systematically 和 communicate clearly.


旅程从微积分开始, 之后,你将学习基本原理的证明, 线性代数, 抽象代数, 概率, 统计学与应用数学, 最后是高级研讨会, 你将在哪里结合和综合你所学到的知识.


Some of the common career paths for mathematics majors are business, economics 和 banking. Many mathematicians also work within the science 和 technology sectors. For instance, Google recruits mathematicians to create search algorithms. 你也会发现数学专业的学生担任会计的角色, 精算师, 统计学家, 技术员, 经济学家, 市场研究, 学术研究人员, 教育家和工程师. 以B开头.A. degree in mathematics, you will acquire skills that transfer well to a wide variety of careers.






在这里,我们提供有关课程要求的信息, 每个项目的课程描述和罗德州学术地图, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.






  • have acquired a background in the content 和 methodology of mathematics
  • 理解和使用代数的基本概念和技巧, 微积分, 概率和其他主要主题
  • 理解和使用定义/定理/证明过程, 包括阅读, 写作, 分析数学证明
  • apply mathematical knowledge to solve problems in a variety of applications 和 be able to convey the solution process
  • 使用适当的技术


W​hy or in what ways is 写作 important to your discipline/field/profession?

在任何涉及数学的职业中——包括商业, 研究, teaching 和 other pursuits – written communication regarding process 和 results is important. People in careers in mathematics need to be able to explain results (including explanations for nontechnical audiences), need to be able to detail the steps of a solution process 和 need to be able to write precise mathematical proofs. 

Which courses are designated as satisfying the 纪律写作 (WID) requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

The 数学科学系 offers two undergraduate degrees in mathematics: the B.A. 文科,数学和B.A. 在中学教育中,主修数学. The department has identified two required courses in each of these majors to be designated as satisfying the WID requirement.

  • 数学300:通往高等数学的桥梁
  • 数学461:数学研讨会
  • 数学300:通往高等数学的桥梁
  • 数学458:数学历史

MATH 300 is dedicated to the teaching of how to write formal mathematical proofs. It also contains process-oriented 和 explanatory 写作, although to a lesser degree. MATH 458 involves a large amount of process-oriented 和 explanatory 写作, 和, 和其他高级数学课程一样, 包括形式证明. MATH 461 involves a large amount of process-oriented 和 explanatory 写作, 和, 和其他高级数学课程一样, 包括形式证明.

What forms or genres of 写作 will students learn 和 practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?

Writing in the discipline of mathematics is likely to fall into one of three categories. The first is explanatory, in which the writer communicates the essentials of a mathematical concept. 第二种是面向过程的, in which the writer details the reasoning throughout an analysis of a particular problem (this category can be thought of as an exp和ed version of the familiar instruction to “show your work”). 最后一类是形式数学证明, detailed logical arguments that could be said to be the mathematician’s version of persuasive essays. (Source: (Russek, 1998; Flesher, 2003.) 

这三种类型都可以告诉读者, 和 all three can serve to demonstrate the writer’s underst和ing of the topic at h和. 此外, all can also serve as “写作-to-learn” activities as the writer must analyze 和 perfect their own underst和ing in order to create 和 revise a product.

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

在《贝博esball官方网站》中,采用了一种脚手架式的方法来教授证明. The proofs begin at a simple level, with templates 和 guidelines available. All instructors strive to give detailed criteria for how to construct a proof: what must be said, 遵循什么模式, 使用和避免什么措辞等等. 重复和修改是普遍使用的方法. 所有教师都使用频繁的作业并提供反馈, 有些教师选择小组作业, 同侪讨论和低风险的课堂演讲. 随着学期的进展, 正在研究和书写的证明变得更加复杂, 并介绍了不同的技术和主题.

在数学458,风格和作业因讲师而异. 然而, 所有人都使用每日任务,并试图提供快速反馈, 低风险的学生演讲和讨论是主要内容. 当分配项目时, they are clearly defined 和 structured using a series of deadlines 和 discussions with the instructor. A survey of reading 和 some brief summaries is typically used to start the process, 然后是选择话题, 资料来源的集合, 一个大纲, 草稿等等, 每一步都有教练的反馈.


Declaring a minor allows you to explore other areas of interest 和 make interdisciplinary connections. RIC的小领域是对所有主要研究领域的补充和加强. 通过声明未成年人, 作为一名求职者,你可以使自己与众不同, 实习和志愿者机会.





The 数学科学系 provides training in mathematics 和 data science — invaluable skills in nearly any field.