

如果你对各个层次的音乐教学感兴趣, Rhode Island College provides the highest level of teacher preparation and a wide variety of field experiences. 你的音乐教育课程将包括集中学习一种主要乐器, 广泛参与室内乐和音乐会合奏, 音乐学和历史课程, the study of K-12 teaching methods and pedagogy and clinical experiences in public school classrooms. 成功完成本课程后, you will be eligible for full certification to teach music in all grades (Pre-K-12) in Rhode Island.

有资格成为音乐教育专业的学生, you must be admitted to Rhode Island College (follow the general admission procedure described on the 招生办公室 网站)并成功完成试镜. 你不需要被录取参加试镜, but we recommend that you have your admissions application at least completed by your audition date.


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在这里,我们提供有关课程要求的信息, 每个项目的课程描述和罗德州学术地图, 一个学期一个学期的计划,帮助你在四年内毕业.






  • 能够在专业水平上表现, successfully compete in their chosen professional fields and pursue advanced graduate studies.
  • Be highly qualified and skilled 音乐教育家 who serve in public and private schools, engage their own students and assume leadership roles in their professional associations.
  • Be able to encourage intellectual and creative expression through research and musical scholarship.
  • 能够以丰富的方式教育非音乐专业的学生, enlighten and encourage the development of their own musical expression and appreciation.
  • Be able to produce concerts and other musical events of the highest quality for Rhode Island College and the community.
  • Be able to encourage and support faculty development through research and creative activity.
  • 能够培养未来的艺术受众.



良好的写作能力对所有寻求音乐事业的学生来说都很重要. 表演者, 音乐教育家, 音乐学家和作曲家需要写简历, 求职信, 拨款申请和项目说明. 音乐教育者还必须善于制定教学计划, 学生评估和学习成果. Musicologists and theoreticians will use their writing skills to produce scholarly research papers, 杂志文章, 和书籍. 音乐管理员需要创建网站, 撰写宣传材料文案, 创建赠款申请,并写信给捐助者,以征求捐赠. Music critics will need sufficient writing skills to compose performance reviews and written interviews with prominent figures in the field of music.

Which courses are designated as satisfying the (纪律写作) WID requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

音乐系的音乐区, 剧院, 和舞蹈指定以下课程为满足WID要求.

MUS 205:音乐史和文学I(所有音乐学位课程)

MUS 206:音乐史和文学II(所有音乐学位课程)


MUS 492:高级独奏音乐教育专业

MUS 493:高级独奏音乐表演专业

PFA 461:高级研讨会(音乐B.A. 唯一的)

These specific courses have been designated as WID classes due to the fact that they teach and require various types of writing skills which are critical for music majors.

What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?


In MUS 205: Music History and Literature I students are required to write about interpretive approaches toward music of the past by listening to multiple recordings of the same piece of music and writing a comparative analysis in the form of an essay. This course also requires a stylistic analysis and two research papers on topics related to music history. 除了课程材料, 学生必须参考至少三个学术价值的外部来源.

In MUS 206: Music History and Literature II students continue to refine the materials and methods of written discourse in the field of music, 在某种程度上, 通过专注于将第一手资料整合到写作过程中.

Another important requirement is learning forms of writing associated with the concert experience such as concerts reviews and program notes. 391亩:少年独奏会, MUS 492:高级独奏音乐教育专业, and MUS 493: Senior Recital- Music Performance Majors all require students to write press releases, 宣传材料, 一个独奏节目和节目笔记.

In PFA 461: Senior Seminar students develop individual projects by either 1) completing a research paper on a topic in music history, 文学或民族音乐学, 2) completing an in-depth analytical essay on a topic in 音乐理论 or music criticism, or 3) presenting a lecture-recital with a supplementary written component such as a research-oriented term paper.

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

在音乐领域的WID课程中有几种写作指导模式. 在MUS 205和206中,学生提交一个主题, 一个大纲, 还有一份草稿给指导老师征求意见. 391亩, 492 and 493 typically involve regular one-on-one meetings between student and instructor to discuss the works-in-progress. PFA 461 involves both of these modes of instructions as well as presenting works-in-progress to classmates for feedback and discussion.

当他们满足了你部门的WID要求时, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?


  • 有效地向潜在雇主或资金来源推销自己.
  • Critically review musical performances and recordings in an effective and coherent manner.
  • 从理论、美学和历史的角度分析音乐作品.
  • 就所有与音乐史相关的主题撰写连贯有效的研究论文, 音乐理论, 音乐表演实践, 还有音乐传记.


Declaring a minor allows you to explore other areas of interest and make interdisciplinary connections. RIC的小领域是对所有主要研究领域的补充和加强. 通过声明未成年人, 作为一名求职者,你可以使自己与众不同, 实习和志愿者机会.







Rhode Island College is unrivaled in music, theatre and dance in Southeastern New England.

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