Sociology B.A.

Hydroponic lab
The B.A. 社会学学位涉及对人类社会关系的研究.

社会学家研究群体的结构, 组织和社会以及人们如何在这些环境中互动. 因为所有的人类行为都是社会性的, the subject matter of sociology ranges from the intimate family to the hostile mob; from organized crime to religious traditions; from the divisions of race, gender and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture” (American Sociological Society).

除了课程作业, all students at Rhode Island College are expected to participate in experiential learning opportunities prior to graduation. The classroom, laboratory, studio or authentic real-world experiences on campus and in the community can serve as experiential learning settings. Through experiential learning, our students bridge the gap between theory and practice.

作为一个社会学专业的学生, you will take a culminating capstone course in your senior year: SOC 460: Senior Seminar, as well as a two-course research methods sequence: SOC 302: Social Research Methods I and SOC 404: Sociology Research Methods II, 在这个课程中,你可以发展你在社会研究方面的技能. 你将学习设计研究项目和数据收集工具, collect data in various ways and analyze your data using both qualitative and quantitative methods of data analysis. These experiential opportunities will enable you to develop and practice skills that are in high demand and which are vitally useful should you continue your education at the graduate level.

你也可以选修一些提供体验式学习的课程, 包括SOC 315:社区(一门服务学习课程), SOC 450: Topics (service learning in Ecuador) and an independent or directed study focused on your own student-designed research. 如果你选择SOC 315或450, you will engage in service learning in which you connect your classroom learning to real-world social problems.

Program Details

Course Information

点击下面的课程要求信息, 课程描述和罗德州学术地图, which lists all the courses you will need to complete this program and graduate in a timely fashion.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map



  1. Understand basic sociological concepts, theories and paradigms in their historical context.
  2. 理解社会学理论之间的关系, research design and interpretation and engage in work developing their research literacy.
  3. Understand and engage in qualitative and quantitative data collection and analytical processes.
  4. 能够以书面和口头形式交流社会学观点.
  5. Be able to exercise their sociological imaginations toward examining our social world as well as its practical uses and applications.


1. 为什么写作对你的学科/领域/职业很重要?

Writing is an essential activity in the discipline of sociology in terms of demonstrating an understanding of the relationship between sociological theory, 研究设计与社会学解释. 它也是传达社会学观点的一种手段, 无论是对其他社会学家还是对公众.

2. Which courses are designated as satisfying the 纪律写作 (WID) requirement by your department? Why these courses?




These two courses were selected as they bookend a student’s research trajectory within the major. Sociology 302, 本专业必修的两门研究方法课程之一, 向学生介绍研究设计的各个方面, 分析数据并作出社会学结论. Sociology 460 is where students apply analytical and writing skills to various projects designed to reflect their maturation as sociology majors over the course of their time at RIC.

3. What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? Why these genres?

Students will engage in research writing consistent with the sociological research method particular to our academic discipline, 这涉及到研究问题, data and methods, 分析数据中的关系模式并得出社会学结论. These genres are consistent with traditional sociological research and will prepare students to participate in the discipline as both producers and readers of research.

4. What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

学生将遇到的一些教学实践将是写日记, 低风险和高风险的写作作业, fishbowl feedback, peer reviews, scaffolded assignments and opportunities for revisions and incorporating feedback into later drafts.

5. 当他们满足了你部门的WID要求时, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?

Students should know that writing is an iterative process – we get better at writing the more we do it; feedback and revision matters, 随着阅读量的增加,我们的写作水平也会提高. 他们也应该知道,作为生产者参与纪律, 社会学的读者和教师, 包括对社会学写作的熟悉, the ability to communicate sociologically in written form and a familiarity with sociological research design.

Minor in Sociology

Declaring a minor allows you to explore other areas of interest and make interdisciplinary connections. RIC的小领域是对所有主要研究领域的补充和加强. 通过声明未成年人, 作为一名求职者,你可以使自己与众不同, 实习和志愿者机会.

Minor in Sociology

Transfer Students

如果你想从另一所大学转到RIC, including the Community College of Rhode Island (CCRI) or Bristol Community College (BCC), 或者你已经转学了, 您将在这里找到帮助您完成转换的信息. 我们的许多专业和辅修课程都可以转入我们的课程, 如果你在其他地方学过社会学课程, 你在这里完成你的学位应该会有一个很好的开始. 请注意,你仍然需要完成所有的通识教育要求, 还有你的专业要求, 总共修满120个学分才能从esball官方网毕业.

如果您是CCRI学生,学分不足30学分, 你可以申请社会学联合招生协议(JAA)计划, 什么能让你在离开CCRI时取得最大的进步. 即使你不符合JAA计划的条件, 您可以使用JAA学位要求来选择最合适的CCRI课程. Click here 了解更多信息. You are strongly encouraged to complete your math course (see below) prior to transferring or in your first semester at RIC.

RIC Course CCRI Course BCC Course Quinebaug Course
SOC 200 SOCS 1010 SOC 101 SOC 101
SOC 202 SOCS 2020 SOC 251 SOC 210
SOC 204 SOCS 2030 -- --
SOC 207

SOCS 2300 OR

SOCS 2310

CRJ 251 --
SOC 208 SOCS 2040 SOC 256 --
SOC 217 -- -- SOC 141
MATH 240

Math 1475 OR

Math 1550

Math 119 OR

Math 252


Learn more about 将课程学分从一所国际扶轮学校转到另一所国际扶轮学校. For more information about transfer admissions and the credit evaluation process, visit the 本科招生办公室.