
不遵守以下规定将导致您的订单延迟. 大学申请单通过Peoplesoft financial提交审批. 如果需要适当的文件,申请单将被退回到原始部门.


所有材料的采购, 供应, 服务必须在罗德岛大学申请单上处理. 大多数部门秘书都可以在PeopleSoft财务系统中输入申请. 申请单应包括对所购物品的详细描述, 包括制造商, 使, 模型, 如果适用的话, 以及任何其他与所购买物品的识别相关的信息. 当从主价格协议订购时, 在申请单的合同选项卡上选择相关的MPA. 部门名称, 联系信息, 参考报价#, 特殊递送说明可在网上申请单的评论部分注明, 报价也可以附在申请单的评论部分. 电子签名将被要求继续处理所有的申请单, signature requirements are based on dollar thresholds and departmental/division workflow approvers. Please use separate requisitions to pay for items or services payable to different individuals or vendors. 应输入申请单,以便采购办公室有充足的时间进行处理. This is particularly important in those instances where the items being purchased are required to go out for bid through the State. 必须给予充分的时间,通过国家采购制度执行适当的程序.


College Requisitions requiring bids through the individual departments are those with a total dollar value of greater than $500.100美元,但不到5000美元.00. 这个美元数字是订单的总金额,而不是单个项目. 美元金额超过500美元的申请单.100美元,但不到5000美元.部门主管必须从三(3)个不同的供应商那里获得传真或书面报价. 电话报价将不被接受. One of the vendors must be a Minority Business vendor, if one exists for that particular commodity. The Minority Business Enterprise Vendor listing is now available on the Rhode Island College Website under the heading of Purchasing. The MBE list is offered by commodity as provided to the College by the Minority Business Enterprise Commission. If the price offer made by the Minority Business Enterprise vendor is determined to be within a competitive range (not to exceed five percent (5%) higher than the lowest responsive price offer) for the product or service solicited, it is required by State of Rhode Island Purchasing Regulations that the award be given to the MBE. The written quotes are to be attached to the Rhode Island College Purchasing Bid Award Determination Sheet and forwarded along with the College Requisition with the proper signatures to the 采购办公室 for processing. The College Requisition is then converted to a Purchase Order and forwarded directly to the vendor who submitted the lowest bid. 请注意,出价可能是一个报价美元金额, 或者表明供应商不能提供所要求的物品. The second case should occur only in the purchase of hard to find items where three local vendors cannot supply the item. 只要有可能,应该获得3美元的报价. 一定要记录提供报价的人的名字, 和他们联系的日期. 当从一家 总价协议 请参考合同板上各MPA的使用指南, this user guide will provide you with the MPA contract spend per project and other requirements to utilize the MPA. 这些是由国家制定的固定价格,在海洋资源管理期满之前一直有效. 当从没有按MPA列出项目的供应商处订购时, 必须从供应商处获得提案,并附在在线申请单上.

收到材料和/或服务后, 部门主管应在订单副本上签署“已收到”,并提供完整的签名. 转发给采购办公室,以便及时处理发票付款. 这适用于所有订单.

购买金额超过5000美元.00在学院授权的限制将被转发到R州.I. 通过国家系统投标和处理的采购分工. 当以这种方式处理时, the average length of time from when the request arrives at State Purchasing until the Purchase Order is encumbered at the State Controller's Office and returned to Rhode Island College is eight to ten weeks. 当提交大额美元请求时,请考虑到这段时间. 在收到采购订单并交付材料和/或服务后, the Department Director should immediately sign the copy of the order as complete and forward to Purchasing. It is imperative that this information be received as quickly as possible to expedite vendor payment.

有时只有一个供应商能够提供特定的产品, 通常是该产品的制造商. 这被认为是唯一的来源供应商. 处理供应商是唯一来源的订单, there must be written documentation from that vendor specifically stating that they are the only provider of this product. 将证明文件附在裁决表上, 勾选指定唯一来源供应商的部分, 然后像往常一样点菜, 通过提交一份大学申请和相关文件.

将投标授予出价低的投标者以外的人时, 记录必须包括一份说明,说明作出这一决定的依据. 任何这种理由都必须包含客观标准, 例如, 所提供的项目不等于所要求的项目, 交货时间不符合最后期限, 运费太高了, 等.

从W购买的任何物品.B. 梅森 Company through the 总价协议 Office Supplies Catalog will be 的地方d online at W.B. 梅森. 从MPA目录中购买的物品没有美元限制. 然而,W.B. 梅森 is not to be considered a sole source for any office 供应 or products other than those on the MPA. 从标准梅森目录中订购的物品必须出价(如果他们超过500美元).00),与任何其他类型的订单相同. 如果订单超过500美元.你必须获得三份书面报价,其中一份来自少数派供应商. 如果W.B. 梅森是出价最低的, the order should be 的地方d online and a copy of the written quote should be forwarded to Purchasing. 如果不遵守这些程序,订单将被拒绝更正. 收到物品时, please forward packing slips and/or a copy of the confirmation with the department head's signature for payment approval. 请及时转发此信息.

Please contact the 采购办公室 to be set up as a requestor or an approver for your department. Once you are set up you will receive a password and a training manual explaining the ordering process. All contract items are noted online with a red check mark to 使 it easier to identify MPA items. 同样的规则也适用于网上订购.

如果要取消订单, 用户必须以书面形式向供应商取消订单, 解释取消的原因. A copy of this document must be part of the official record of the purchase order and must be kept on file in the 采购办公室. 也, 如果订单被退回,并且收到退回收据, 该收据应发送给采购部,与原始订单一起保留.

美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)的规定要求向供应商付款, 组织, or individual be accompanied by the vendor's or 组织's Federal Employer Identification Number, 或者通过个人的社会安全号码. The State Controller's Office now requires that a W-9 Form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) be on file with their office before any payment will be made. 在许多情况下,供应商在他们的发票上记录他们的FEIN号码. 这并不能保证供应商已经向州政府提交了W-9报税表. 部门主管没有追索权,只能打电话给供应商获取FEIN号码, and if necessary fax or mail a W-9 form to the vendor for completion prior to processing the College Requisition. 如果有必要的话, departments are advised to call the College 采购办公室 which has recorded FEIN numbers of vendors, 组织和个人在过去支付. Please record the Federal Identification Number in the "Available At" column on the College Requisition.

所有资金支出, 无论是普通的大学基金还是助学金, 需要提前批准吗. 在紧急情况下必须购买的物品, 部门或项目主管可以报销购买费用, 只要没有违反学校和国家的采购规定. Directors can be reimbursed by attaching paid bills to a Check Request form detailing the expenditures. 收据必须注明“已付”,并须由申请报销的个人签署. The accompanying College Requisition should also specify that a reimbursement for the paid bills is requested. College Requisitions which are for payments to vendors that do not have an approved Purchase Order must include the invoice, proposals if emergency request is over $500 and a W-9 form must still be on file with the Purchasing Department. 




采购办公室监督和处理所有材料的采购, 供应, 为学院提供服务.