Economics B.A. and Minor

Professor teaching economics class

Guiding Governments, Policy and Investors

如果你对推动经济的力量感兴趣,RIC的B.A. in economics will fulfill that interest. Economics is a social science that studies the production, consumption and distribution of goods and services, 目的是解释经济是如何运作的,以及推动经济活动的人. The role of economists includes forecasting growth such as:

  • Gross Domestic Product
  • interest rates
  • inflation
  • overall market conditions.

它们为政府提供强有力的指导,并影响国家政策. 它们还有助于投资者了解国家政策和esball官方网的潜在后果.

Program Expectations

Economics is a highly quantitative field. Thus, in your course of study, you will learn to gather, 使用数学公式和统计数据组织和解释数据进行计算. 您将创建模型来预测投资的影响, policy decisions, industry trends, demographics and much more. Upon completion of this program, 你会发现有很多工作机会向你敞开.

Career Possibilities

Our graduates go on to work in investment banks, consulting firms, research and policy institutions, universities, corporations, multinational enterprises and government.

Learn More about Economics-Related Careers


Interested in Economics?


B.A. and Minor Program Details

Course Information

The links below provide information on course requirements, course descriptions and the Academic Rhode Map, 其中列出了你需要完成这个项目并及时毕业的所有课程.

Course Requirements

Course Descriptions

Academic Rhode Map

Program/Learning Goals


  • an understanding of the core knowledge of the discipline
  • the ability, both independently and in groups, to find relevant economic data and use it appropriately, including statistical and other quantitative analysis
  • 具有阅读、理解、综合和批判性评价经济文献的能力
  • 能够以适合学科的方式写作,并批判性地评估自己和他人的工作
  • 以口头陈述的方式表达知识的能力
  • 那些想上研究生院的学生将准备做研究生水平的工作
  • 那些找工作的学生会发现他们在经济学方面的训练对他们的职业生涯很有用

Writing in the Discipline


Economics is a highly quantitative field based on theory. 从我们的课程毕业的学生必须能够进行定量和定性的思考. 然后,他们应该能够与各种涉众(同事)交流信息, management teams, interested public, etc.),从而有效地帮助人们做出明智的决策,并支持合理的决策. Writing is essential to this process. Without effective writing, 学生将无法将理论和数据提炼成一个关键的决策工具,为不同的读者写作.

哪些课程被指定为满足学科写作(WID)要求? Why these courses?


ENGL 230: Workplace Writing
ECON 449: Introduction to Econometrics
ECON 462: Seminar in Economic Research


学生将在你们系的WID课程中学习和练习什么形式或类型的写作? Why these genres?

In WID courses, students practice such forms of writing as memos, business reports, research reports and term papers. 这些形式的写作使学生的技能与项目目标保持一致,并为他们毕业后可能遇到和产生的写作类型做好准备.


学生在所有部门的WID课程中都会收到持续的写作反馈. 这种与教师的直接接触可以提高学生的写作水平. 来自金融各个子领域的案例鼓励学生更深入地思考这门学科. 撰写最新金融市场esball官方网的博客会引导学生了解市场正在发生的事情,并将其与正在进行的课程讨论联系起来.

When they’ve satisfied your department’s WID requirement, what should students know and be able to do with writing?

After completing their WID courses, economics majors should be able to produce reports, memos, 结合理论和经验数据的演示文稿和类似的商业沟通文件,以明确和合理的论点,促进一系列利益相关者的决策.

Minor in Economics

选修辅修课程可以让你探索其他感兴趣的领域,并建立跨学科的联系. RIC的小领域是对所有主要研究领域的补充和加强. By declaring a minor, you can set yourself apart as a candidate for job, internship and volunteer opportunities.

Minor in Economics

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Department of Economics and Finance

经济与金融系专注于企业如何, governments, 机构甚至个人都会对支出和政策做出决定.