Dr. Peter Michael Karibe Mendy报道

  • 教授

B.A. (荣誉),谢菲尔德大学,英格兰,英国


2023 Amilcar Cabral:民族主义者和泛非主义者Revolucionário. Editora Lutas Anticapital, Marília,巴西圣保罗.

2019 阿米尔卡·卡布拉尔:一位民族主义者和泛非主义革命者. 雅典:俄亥俄大学出版社.

2013 几内亚比绍共和国历史词典 (与合著者Richard A. 洛班),卷4,兰哈姆,MD:稻草人出版社.

2011 “The 2005 Presidential Elections in Guinea-Bissau: Challenged Democratization in a Precarious State,在Abdoulaye Saine, 马特Houngnikpo & 布巴卡尔·恩迪亚耶编.) 西非的选举和民主化, 1990-2009. 特伦顿:非洲世界出版社.

2010年“阿米尔卡卡布拉尔与几内亚比绍的解放:背景”, 有效的非洲领导的挑战和教训,卡洛斯·洛佩斯(Carlos Lopes)编.), 非洲当代的挑战:埃米尔·卡布拉尔的遗产. 伦敦和纽约:劳特利奇出版社.

2003年,《贝博esball官方网站》,载于《贝博esball官方网站》 非洲历史研究国际期刊, 36 (1)

2000年,《esball官方网》,载于《贝博esball官方网站》. Nabudere(编辑) 全球化与后殖民时期的非洲国家,哈拉雷,津巴布韦:AAPS图书

1997年《esball官方网》,载于F. Koudawo和Peter Karibe Mendy(编辑), 几内亚比绍政治多元化比绍:ediaperoes INEP

1994 殖民主义Português在非洲:一个传统的 组织Resistência在几内亚比绍, 1879-1959,比绍和里斯本:Edições INEP/Imprensa Nacional Casa Moeda.

1993年“几内亚比绍的抵抗传统:葡萄牙-非洲在卡库的相遇”, 比绍和' suas dependências ', 1588-1878,in C. 洛佩斯(编辑) Mansas, Escravos, Grumetes e Gentio: Cacheu na Encruzilhada de Civilizações,比绍:Ediçöes INEP.


HIST 101多种声音:世界上的非洲
This course critically examines Africa’s relationship with the West from the Portuguese conquest of the North African trading center of Ceuta in 1415 to the 21st century world of advanced globalization. It addresses the following themes: Order and Authority (domestic and foreign policy); Migration and Cultural Contact; Work, 消费, and Economic Development; Social Structure, 家庭, and Community; Identities: Ethnicity, 性别, and Religion; and Ideas, 意识形态, 与文化传统. The course will challenge students to think critically about their own assumptions regarding Africa and the West by highlighting historical ties and common issues in the 经济, 政治, 社会, 文化, 以及环境领域. The historical topics include the Portuguese explorations and the early European-African encounter, the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the role of Africa in the Industrialization of the West; Africa and the New Imperialism of the 19th century; Africa and the two World Wars of the 20th century; the Cold War, Decolonization and the West’s response to Africa’s crisis of development; 和非洲 and the challenges of globalization. The course aims to better prepare Rhode Island College students for a 21st century world that will continue to be molded by globalizing developments that lock Africa and the West in an increasingly interdependent relationship.

HIST 236独立后的非洲
This course examines contemporary African history since the attainment of independence beginning in the 1950s to the present. 欧洲的殖民统治影响了非洲社会的方方面面, the post-independence years have been a momentous time of change for Africans as they began to study and understand their own countries, 评估自己的能力和潜力, 为冷战期间和冷战后的发展问题寻求解决办法, 面对全球化的挑战, 国际毒品和人口贩运, 宗教原教旨主义, 气候变化. Themes examined include colonial legacies; nation-building tasks; 政治 ideologies and the Cold War; socio-经济 and 政治 changes; the quest for 政治 stability and national/regional/pan-African integration and unity; the 军事 and politics; 经济 liberalization and democratization processes in the post-Cold War era; the role of women; the environment and impacts of climate change; drug and human trafficking; and 宗教原教旨主义 in the post-911 world.

This Connections course examines the history of conflict and conflict resolution in particularly Africa and generally around the world since 1945. 它探讨了政治, 经济, 社会, 文化, 以及暴力冲突的环境因素. 冲突和解决冲突的问题一直很重要. 纵观人类历史, 人类参与的冲突常常退化为公开的战争. 冲突是人类状况的一部分,它具有普遍的特点. 然而,, 纵观人类的一生, 人类也致力于解决分歧,和平共处. 随着工业化和武器效率和功效的巨大技术进步, the capacity of human beings to kill their own kind and destroy livelihoods and lifestyles increased exponentially and continues to expand. 而欧洲的暴力冲突自1945年以来显著减少, 它在东南亚等地区仍然流行, 中东, 拉丁美洲, 和非洲. 值得注意的是, 这些暴力冲突主要是革命, 武装解放斗争, 以及内战, 而不是国家间的对抗. 直到1989年苏联解体, 在冷战背景下,超级大国的竞争往往会激化这些暴力esball官方网, 特别是在那些成为代理人战场的国家. 在非洲,20世纪下半叶的暴力冲突成为流行病. The continent has suffered devastating internal wars (including 武装解放斗争) that have persisted for more than a generation in some countries. 从1960年到2000年, 大约1000万非洲人在非洲大陆各地超过35场暴力冲突中丧生. 在卢旺达, 在1994年的100天内, 估计有800人, 在一场疯狂的种族灭绝中,000人惨遭屠杀.

这是一门探讨政治的高级课程, 经济, 社会 and 文化 transformations that occurred in Africa during the era of European colonization in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 要研究的主题包括殖民前的非洲传统制度, 奴隶贸易, 社会与革命, 合法的商业, 欧洲帝国主义, 殖民统治, 民族主义, 非殖民化, 和新殖民主义. The general aim of the course is to promote critical thinking in the historical analysis of the African past, through close examination of primary documents and competing/conflicting perspectives/interpretations, 以及对偏见的识别, 差距, 和现有记录的不一致.

本课程以学生在方法课程中的经验为基础. 重点放在史学问题上, 历史问题的识别和定义, 研究和撰写一篇实质性论文, 还有历史批判. 研讨会的重点是政治问题, 文化, 经济, and 军事 relationships existing between Western and the non-Western independent states and societies of Africa during the past five decades. Seminar participants will be engaged in reading and discussing various documents that reflect different historiographical perspectives. The required readings will provide the context and departure for individual seminar papers on an aspect of the 政治, 文化, 意识形态, 军事, and 经济 relationships existing between the Western and Non-western African worlds since the end of World War II.

本课程从比较的角度考察非洲历史的主题, 有指定的阅读材料, pracimcis写的是短文, 这个公式, 组织并撰写一篇12页的研究论文.

HIST 552殖民统治下的非洲
这门研究生课程探讨政治, 经济, 社会 and 文化 transformations that occurred in Africa during the European colonization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 要研究的主题包括殖民前的非洲传统制度, 奴隶贸易, 社会与革命, 合法的商业, 欧洲帝国主义, 殖民统治, 民族主义, 非殖民化, 和新殖民主义. 本课程旨在培养学生对非洲历史进行批判性分析的能力, through close examination of primary documents and competing/conflicting perspectives/interpretations, 以及对偏见的识别, 差距, 和现有记录的不一致.

HIST 561研究生历史研讨会
本课程的重点是关于资源的关键研究技能的发展, 文本, 理论, 以及关于当代非洲历史的探究方法. It will encourage the exchange of ideas among students working on different themes of a non-western historical tradition.

The graduate course builds on the knowledge acquired from upper-level African history undergraduate courses 有指定的阅读材料, pracimcis写的是短文, 这个公式, 组织并撰写一篇20-25页的研究论文.

HONR 264连接课程:1945年以来的冲突和冲突解决
This course examines the history of conflict and conflict resolution in Africa and around the world since 1945. 它探讨了政治的相互作用和联系, 经济, 社会, 文化, 暴力冲突的环境因素及其对国家的多方面影响, 区域和全球层面. The course is an interdisciplinary and comparative course that challenges students to critically examine the various causes of violent conflicts and the variety of responses used to address them. It also aims to provide a critical understanding of the multidimensional impacts of conflicts in multi-ethnic/multiracial and 文化ly diverse environments that affect lives and livelihoods not only at the national level, 但通常在区域和全球层面也是如此.



