Dr. 香农E. Dowd-Eagle

  • 教授

Dr. Dowd-Eagle is a 教授 and Program Director in the School Psychology Program. She serves as the Co-Director of the RI Leadership 教育 in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (RI LEND) program and is a member of the Paul V. 夏洛克中心领导团队.  She is the Co-Principal Investigator of an Office of Special 教育 and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Personnel Preparation that provides specialized interdisciplinary training related to secondary transition. She coordinates the Rhode Island College School Psychology Internship Consortium and has taught the following core School Psychology courses: Psychoeducational Assessment and Response to Intervention, and Consultation and Collaboration in School and Community Settings and Internship in School Psychology 


Ph.D. 2006内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,学校心理学
M.A. 2001内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,学校心理学
B.A. 1998内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,心理学
Internship 2004-5 Devereux Center for Effective Schools (APA Accredited)




鹰,J. W.弗瑞,J., & Dowd-Eagle,年代. E. (2019). 一级家庭学校合作项目. 在年代.A. Garbacz (Ed.), Implementing Family-school Partnerships: Student Success in School Psychology Research and Practice. 劳特利奇

鹰,J. W., Dowd-Eagle,年代. E., & Garbacz,. (2016). The role of family and cross-setting supports to reduce impairment and promote success. 在年代. 戈德斯坦和J. Naglieri (Eds.), Assessment of impairment: From theory to practice: 第二版. 施普林格出版物.

Garbacz,.麦金托什,K.鹰,J., Dowd-Eagle,年代., Hirano K., & Ruppert T. (2016). Conceptualizing a paradigm for universal family-school partnerships within school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports. 预防学业失败.

鹰,J. W., Dowd-Eagle,年代. E.斯奈德,A., & Holtzman E. G. (2014). Implementing a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS): Collaboration between school psychologists and administrators to promote systems level change. 教育与心理咨询杂志

鹰,J.W., & Dowd-Eagle,年代.E. (2014).  学校-社区伙伴关系的最佳实践. 在一个. 托马斯和P. 哈里森(Eds.), 学校心理学的最佳实践7. Silver Spring, MD: 全国学校心理学家协会.

Dowd-Eagle,年代.E., & 鹰,J.W. (2014).  团队式学校谘询. 在W. P. Erchul, & S.M. 谢里登(Eds.), Handbook of research in school consultation: Empirical foundations for the field 2nd Ed.  纽约:劳特利奇/泰勒和弗朗西斯集团.

Dowd-Eagle,年代.E., & 鹰,J.W. (2014).  Implementation of ecobehavioral consultation principles within a response to intervention framework. 在年代. 李(Ed.), Ecobehavioral consultation in the schools: Theory and practice for school psychologists, 特殊教育工作者和学校辅导员. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.

遗嘱,H.P.汉森,B.梅森,B.鹰,J.W., & Dowd-Eagle,年代.E. (2014).  Functional behavioral assessment and intervention design in ecobehavioral consultation. 在年代. 李(Ed.), Ecobehavioral consultation in the schools: Theory and practice for school psychologists, 特殊教育工作者和学校辅导员. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社.

席尔瓦,M.鹰,J.W., & Dowd-Eagle,年代.E..《esball官方网》(2014). 在年代. 洛佩兹(Ed.),积极心理学百科全书. 第二版. 牛津,英国:Blackwell出版社


CEP 215教育心理学
CEP 604 Psychoeducational Assessment and Response to Intervention
CEP 629学校心理学实习
CEP 675 Consultation and Collaboration in School and Community Settings



Through a grant funded by the Office of Special 教育 and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), the Interdisciplinary Specialization in Transition (IST) project is designed to improve the quality of pre-service graduate scholars in Special 教育 and School Psychology Programs to implement high quality instruction, with a focus on evidence-based transition intervention and evaluation, to improve transition outcomes for 孩子们 and young adults with disabilities. Selected scholars receive tuition remission for 15 credit hours ($7005.00) and a $10,000 stipend per year ($34,010 of funding over the two years).

Leadership 教育 in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (RI LEND):
The Rhode Island Leadership 教育 in Neurodevelopmental and Other Related Disabilities (RI LEND) project offers a graduate level interdisciplinary training experience to prepare individuals from diverse professional disciplines to assume leadership roles in the disability field. The purpose of the RI LEND training program is to improve the life course and health of infants, 孩子们, and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders and other neurodevelopmental disabilities. The RI LEND program is funded by the 母婴卫生局 of the Health Resources Services Administration and represents a partnership between the W. Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Hasbro Children’s/Rhode Island Hospital, and the Paul V. Sherlock Center for Developmental Disabilities at Rhode Island College.


The Office of Special 教育 and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) Personnel Preparation Grant. Preparing Personnel to Serve Transition-Aged Students with Disabilities who have High Intensity Needs: An Interdisciplinary Personnel Preparation Model. 苏珊J. 戴尔和香农Dowd-Eagle,共同首席研究员. $1,124,187从2019年10月至2024年9月.

罗得岛州卫生与公共服务执行办公室. 社区改善补助金. 香农Dowd-Eagle,首席研究员. 从2019年6月1日至2020年5月30日,113,700美元.

卫生资源和服务管理局, 卫生与公众服务部, 母婴卫生局, 项目编号T73MC301210100, Rhode Island Leadership in 教育 in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, 香农Dowd-Eagle, 夏洛克中心分奖首席研究员, $126,年7月1日, 2016- 6月30日, 2021.