Dr. 文森特Bohlinger

  • 教授


I started at RIC in 2006 和 have taught a wide range of courses on film history, 理论, 分析, 和生产. I am particularly interested in questions of style—how 和 why a film 看s 和 sounds the way it does. My principal area of research has long been Soviet 和 Post-Soviet film, but Russia’s full-scale attack on Ukraine has ignited my attention toward contemporary Ukrainian cinema. Other interests include—but certainly are not limited to—documentary, 艺术电影, 实验电影, 电影流派, 美国和国际电影, 和《贝博esball官方网站》.” 

I am currently working on a book titled Toward a Second Utopia: Soviet Film Style between Montage 和 Socialist Realism, 1928-1936. This project examines changes in the content, 看, 和 sound of Soviet films during the early years of Stalin. As each Soviet republic operated its own film studios, I consider the films 从 these different republics to be distinctive national cinemas. I study how technological developments such as sound 和 color—compounded with domestic 和 international influence 和 competition—shifted aesthetic norms within the Soviet Union. This research has been based on archival documents 和 films found in 和 around Moscow, but Covid 和 then Russia’s war complicated this work 和 has led me to explore for materials in countries such as Georgia 和 Armenia. I also have plans to coedit a volume of collected essays on Soviet-era movie stars along with much, 更多关于乌克兰的工作. 

I have been involved in a number of activities on campus—especially with the faculty union 和 College Council, 我当了四年主席. I was the long-time advisor for the Ocean State/RIC Film Society 和 am currently a co-advisor for the Asian Student Association. 我也是RIC的富布赖特项目顾问, for which I was selected by 富布赖特 to be one of the inaugural class of national Program Advisor mentors. 我致力于国际教育, 和 I encourage students to seriously consider applying for a 富布赖特. We’ve had a 富布赖特 winner for three years in a row!

My leisure mostly involves my work: film 和 television. I also enjoy word games, carbs, gardening, 和 kayaking—all preferably done alongside my dog. 







当代乌克兰纪录片与Yuliya V合编. Ladygina, KinoKultura 81(2023年7月). [33篇随笔和4位电影人访谈]

关注乌克兰” coedited with Olga Blackledge, Joshua First, 和 Yuliya V. Ladygina, KinoKultura 77(2022年7月). [39篇随笔和5位电影人访谈]


“商业主义与日常生活”[j] 安迪·沃霍尔吃汉堡66个美国场景 [Jørgen Leth, 1981], 短片研究 10, no. 2 (2020): 141-144.

小姐修补.” In Silent Features: Essays on Silent Feature-Length Films, 1914-1934,史蒂夫·尼尔编辑,第164-177页. 埃克塞特:埃克塞特大学出版社,2018.

Crowdfunding in the Sixties: The Financing of Emile de Antonio’s Political Documentary 急于下结论 (1966),” 帧12 (2017年12月).

“On Fairy Tales 和 the Materiality of S和” [On Zepo (csamar Díaz melsamendez, 2014)], 短片研究 8, no. 1 (2017): 41-44.

“回声 四百击:艺术电影中的模糊封闭”[On] 海滩 (多特·谢夫曼,1995)], 短片研究 7, no. 1 (2016): 67-70.

“On the Malaise 和 Menace of a Pencil Sharpener” [On Urząd (Krzysztof Kieślowski, 1966)], 短片研究 5, no. 1(2015年4月):45-48.

"东方是个微妙的问题" 沙漠的白日 和苏联西部.” In (Re)Locating the Frontier: International Western Films,由辛西娅·米勒和A. Bowdoin Van Riper, 373-393. Lanham:稻草人出版社,2014.

“Self-Reflexivity 和 Historical Revision in 纯真时刻苹果.” In Cine-Ethics: Ethical Dimensions of Film 理论, Practice, 和 Spectatorship, edited by Jinhee Choi 和 Mattias Frey, 125-141. 伦敦:劳特利奇出版社,2014.

“The Development of Sound Technology in the Soviet Union during the First Five-Year Plan,” 俄罗斯和苏联电影研究 7, no. 2 (Summer 2013): 189-205.

“引人入胜? 令人兴奋的! 难以理解的? 无聊的! 观众调查对爱森斯坦作品的反应 10月,” 俄罗斯和苏联电影研究 5, no. 1(2011春季):5-27.

“Arnheim on the Ontology of the Photographic Image.” In 阿恩海姆电影和媒体研究学院,斯科特·希金斯编辑,249-265页. 纽约:劳特利奇出版社,2011.


ART 541 Media Aesthetics: Stop-Motion Animation
ENGL 337 Hollywood Stardom: Celebrity, Performance, F和om
FILM 116电影导论
FILM 219W Foundations in Film 理论 和 Analysis
电影262非裔巴西人的经历 & 巴西电影
FILM 262 Film 和 Representation: Cross-Cultural Projections – Asian, American, Asian-American
FILM 352 Animation: History, 理论, Practice
电影352前卫 & 实验电影
电影352情节剧 & 动作电影
第353部美国电影喜剧:历史 & 理论
FILM 353 Contemporary Chinese Cinemas: Hong Kong, Taiwan, China
电影353俄语 & 苏联电影
FILM 373电影摄影 & 编辑
FILM 376实验电影制作
FYS 100喜剧



Mary Tucker Thorp College 教授ship, 2023-2024

RIC 校友 Association 教师 Award, 2023

Center Associate, Davis Center for 俄罗斯 和 Eurasian Studies, Harvard University, 2013-2025

教师 Fellow, Television Academy Foundation 教师 Seminar, November 2018

短期旅游津贴, National Council for Eurasian 和 东欧 Research (NCEEER), 2018年夏天

第VIII章短期补助金, 凯南研究所, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 华盛顿, D.C.2013年4月至5月

暑期研究实验室助理, 俄罗斯, 东欧, 和欧亚中心(REEEC), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010年6月

选择参与者, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) 教师 Research Institute “俄罗斯 和 Soviet Visual 文化s, 1860-1935,纽约公共图书馆, 6 - 2008

Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Fellowship, 2005-2006


雅各K. 贾维茨奖学金,1998-2002年