Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages M.Ed./C.G.S.


The Need for ESOL Teachers

新兴双语者是罗德岛学校中增长最快的人群, creating an ever-increasing need for ESOL teachers. RIC’s combined M.Ed./C.G.S. TESOL项目旨在为获得认证的教师和教师候选人准备在ESOL教室和双语双语教室中与所有年龄段的新兴双语者一起工作. Moreover, if you are a bilingual teacher candidate, 您可以同时获得ESOL和双语双语言认证. 该项目还招收准备在世界各国教授英语作为外语的候选人.


Apply to the Graduate School

要开始这个过程,你需要在CollegeNET注册一个帐户. Once you have a CollegeNET account, 您可以随时登录并查看您的活动日志,其中显示了个性化的状态页面.

Program Details

Admission Requirements

Admission to graduate study is dependent on several factors. 所有研究生课程都需要获得地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位. 主要考虑的是候选人的学习成绩, a current résumé, 职业目标的陈述,包括在申请论文和基于表现的评估中. 最终录取是基于适当的学术部门和研究生课程和评估副院长的综合决定. TESOL专业的CGS和MEd以及双语教育方向的TESOL专业的CGS和MEd分别于3月1日和11月1日接受秋季入学申请. 1 for Spring admission. 在进入一个项目之前,学生可以作为非学位学生参加最多两门课程.

Admission requirements are as follows:

  • 提交研究生申请以及50美元的不可退还的申请费.
  • 所有正式本科和研究生成绩单复印件一份.
  • A minimum cumulative grade point average of B (3.00 on a 4.00 scale) in all undergraduate coursework. Applicants with undergraduate GPAs less than 3.在提交其他学术潜力证据后,可能被录取为学位候选人. 
  • Teaching certificate. (See note below).
  • 官方标准化考试成绩(研究生入学考试或米勒类比测试), unless you currently hold a graduate degree. (For MEd applicants only; applicants to the CGS. are not required to submit standardized assessment scores.) 
  • 三份候选人推荐表格和三封推荐信.
  • Professional goals essay.
  • Performance-based evaluation.
  • A current résumé.


(1) Candidates who plan to teach ESOL to adults or who plan to teach internationally are not required to have a teaching certificate to be admitted into this program; however, a suitable undergraduate minor is required (e.g.在语言和语言学,英语,国际研究

(2) Due to changes in RIDE's ESOL certification guidelines, 项目申请人现在也可以获得ESOL认证作为初始认证. (2)双语教育考生:因为双语教育专业是在TESOL项目下, you should apply to TESOL. 双语教育专业要求学生精通英语以外的一门语言. 

Program/Learning Goals

Upon completion of this program, graduates will have:​

  • Knowledge of second language acquisition, 英语语言学和我们社区的社会文化背景.
  • 有设计和实施ESOL和/或双语教学的经验, 包括为正在培养英语读写能力或双语能力的学生提供反应性阅读和写作指导
  • 对新兴的双语学生进行评估,以计划相应的课程和教学的能力.
  • The ability to collaborate with others, 包括学生的家庭和社区以及与学生一起工作的其他教育人员.
  • 书面和口头沟通技巧和跨文化技能,必要的有效互动与文化和语言不同的家庭.
Rhode Island College entrance

Program Coordinator

Sarah Hesson

Dr. Sarah Hesson

Associate Professor