会计B.S. 和小



B.S. in accounting prepares you for entry-level positions in the field of accounting; however, 增长的潜力是巨大的. 许多毕业生一开始是:

  • staff accountants or junior auditors in public accounting or
  • assistants in the controller’s office in private agencies 

在站稳脚跟,积累经验之后, career advancement can be achieved through on-the-job performance and additional education or certifications.

根据你学习的会计课程,RIC是B.S. 会计课程将为你的认证做准备. 无论你选择哪条路, 如果你学的是会计, 你正在学习雇主需要的实用技能.



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B.S. 及辅修课程详情


在这里,我们提供有关课程要求的信息, course descriptions and an Academic Rhode Map for each program, a semester-by-semester plan to help you toward graduation in four years.






Upon completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • demonstrate fundamental accounting knowledge relating to financial statement preparation and analysis, 管理决策, 内部控制和业务流程, 以及联邦所得税的原则
  • analyze, integrate and communicate complex information to facilitate 管理决策
  • work well in a team and communicate results effectively, in both oral and written form
  • think analytically and critically, and research basic problems independently
  • be aware of their professional responsibilities concerning the ethical choices they will encounter in the accounting and financial reporting area


Why or in what ways is writing important to your discipline/field/profession? 

Accounting professionals need to have the ability to communicate with many constituencies and in many forms as well as communicate to a variety of stakeholders in order to facilitate decision making and provide information.  会计师解释和解释会计准则, provide analysis of financial reports and summarize accounting information. In short, writing is an essential skill in the accounting field.

Which courses are designated as satisfying the 纪律写作 (WID) requirement by your department? 为什么选这些课程?

ACCT 311, ACCT 312 and ACCT 461 are designated as 纪律写作 courses for the Accounting Program. These courses provide students with the opportunity to explain and interpret accounting standards, 对财务报告问题应用标准, 构建有说服力的论点, analyze case studies and receive feedback to improve their writing skills.

What forms or genres of writing will students learn and practice in your department’s WID courses? 为什么会有这些类型?

在会计专业, our WID courses include writing financial statements and related analyses, 纳税申报表和税务咨询, 审计报告, 客户提案和建议. These are necessary to communicate important information to stakeholders. 

What kinds of teaching practices will students encounter in your department’s WID courses?

学生将找到一系列的教学实践. 例如, students in WID courses are frequently given case studies and asked to write reports that analyze the accounting policies and financial statements of a given company and to make recommendations, 分析支持, 关于案件的各个方面. 通常, the instructor does one sample case at the beginning of the semester to provide a model for students to follow in these assignments. 

当他们满足了你部门的WID要求时, 学生应该知道和能够做什么写作?

一旦他们完成了WID课程, accounting majors should be able to effectively communicate in written form, 包括解释行业标准和报告, constructing persuasive arguments and analyzing case studies.


Declaring a minor allows you to explore other areas of interest and make interdisciplinary connections. Minor areas at RIC complement and reinforce all major areas of study. 通过声明未成年人, 作为一名求职者,你可以使自己与众不同, 实习和志愿者机会.



成为持证注册会计师, you must have completed 150 credit hours of education and meet additional requirements, 包括经验要求, 并通过注册会计师考试. 

More Information on Accounting 认证要求

The National Association of State Boards of Accountancy provides specific requirements to qualify for the exam in Rhode Island,

The Rhode Island Department of Business Regulation provides specific requirements to become certified, including experience requirements.  




The 会计系 prepares students for entry-level positions in the field of accounting and management.